Saturday, October 9, 2010


Friendship is a fluid thing.  In Proverbs we learn so much about what true friendship means. I am left wondering if I am that type of friend? Do I persist in love for my friends? Do I encourage, lift up, and lend a helping hand? I know I am far from perfect.  We all have nasty days. Those days no description will do justice. Thank Jesus that I don't relive those days over and over. I do have hope.  But, what about the damage? Like a glass-laden bomb just thrown out with shards flying all over inflicting damage to all around. I know damage has been done.  My words are not always kind but is the damage not repairable? I think not.  We must make efforts to rebuild and love our friends.  We must be the kind of friend Jesus is to us.  Do we intentionally form relationships with wise friends? Do we seek out simple friends who need open arms? Am I invested in others' lives? It is so time consuming but the rewards far outweigh the risk and weary hands.  I have so many wonderful friends who have blessed my life, some for seasons, some for my lifetime.  I would never trade the ups and downs my girlfriends have shared with me for anything even a gentler life.  Drama is part of friendship.  Friendship lends itself to awesome in so many ways.  I have friends who are fashion divas, rockstars with great voices, some are quietly strong, some are get er done gals, and some are just there when I fall to pieces and need some wise words to shake me out of complacency.  Thank you Jesus for my friends who give my blessed life a part of awesome!

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