Monday, March 28, 2011

Children and ministry...

Is there really a ministry to children? OR is it really something else? Do we shoe horn the "ministry" label into something that should be natural and flowing? Do we overthink the concepts or undervalue? So many questions. If we don't do it right, we screw up our kids, forever! Right?
Well, maybe not. I can clearly think of several fairly normal 19-22 year olds who turned out pretty good despite the crazy, abnormal even abusive life they led. They did not have a relationship with Jesus until they were much older, 14-16. Not the norm. Most people accept Christ as kids under age 10. After that, the odds are against it. These kids are phenomenal. They are dependable, flexible, and excited! I use them as counselors and everything else intern types. My job is more complete with them. So why do I use kids, mere high schoolers, who have only known Jesus for a few years? I use them because its genuine, real Faith. They aren't screwed up or unmotivated disciples for Christ. They are the opposite.
So what happened to my kids who have been raised in the church? Where are they? Why don't they step up to help out? I am dismayed at the level of laziness.
Maybe, just maybe we approach it all wrong. Do we throw dice at odds hoping for the abnormal? Or do we plan like mad and hope for the best? A very precarious balance. One toe over, just a smidge could result in lackadaisical faith or irreverent atheism. Or maybe it defines who they will be. Maybe it is not us. Overthinking it? Undervaluing it?

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